Storage & Warehouse

We have warehouse and storage facilities in Brisbane, Port Moresby, Lae and Kimbe. So, if you are running out of storage or warehousing space or are looking for somewhere to store your goods either on a short term or long term basis, our team will be happy to discuss all your requirements offering competitive rates and service.

In Port Moresby, we have our bonded warehouse and yard situated in the new Motukea Industrial Development area, just 1km from the International
Shipping Terminal.                                

Lae bonded warehouse and yard is at 11mile, where pickup and delivery can be readily facilitated.

Secure 24x7 CCTV and security guarded warehouses and yards are set up to manage all kinds of cargo and equipment.

A dedicated Customs Agent is always on site to facilitate all clearances. We pride ourselves on fast and efficient delivery to door service and tailored to suit your requirements.

Our Services

Seamless Services & Global Network

Our local network of offices and operators ensure seamless services in-country, supported by our access to the global networks of partner companies worldwide. We also have an office in Brisbane from which our cargoes out of Australia are consolidated.

We Understand

mission critical delivery times for ships in port.

We Understand

the challenges and global freight shipping.

We Understand

your need to devote minimal time and resources to delivery of vital goods in and out of Papua New Guinea, we know Papua New Guinea.

Contact Us

    Our Key Focus

    Customs Clearance
    Freight Forwarding Air & Sea
    Local Logistics
    Storage & Warehouse
    Ships Agency Services
    Brisbane to PNG FAK Container Shipping Services